Fire danger rises to 'High' on east side of Tillamook Forest
Fire danger on the east side of the Tillamook State Forest was set to high Thursday morning as temperatures rose.

Fire danger on the east side of the Tillamook State Forest was set to high Thursday morning as temperatures rose.
"With the change to "high" fire danger and its associated public use restrictions, OHV trail riding will be prohibited between the hours of 1pm and 8pm on the forest's eastern half," the Oregon Department of Forestry said.
ODF staff and law enforcement agencies planned to enforce these rules at affected campgrounds, which include trails out of "Browns Camp OHV Staging Area and Campground, Rogers Camp Staging Area, Lyda Camp OHV Staging Area, and trails heading east from Jordan Creek OHV Staging Area and Campground," ODF said.
Trails out of Diamond Mill OHV Staging Area and Campground, Cedar Creek Dispersed Camping Area, west of Jordan Creek Staging Area and Campground, and the Trask OHV Riding Area remain open all day owing to their westerly placement in the forest, which remains at "moderate" fire danger.