Trail cleanup to be held in Buxton June 10
A Salmonberry Trail clean up event will be held at Public Coast Farm in Buxton starting at 10 a.m. and is expected to finish no later than 2 p.m.

The latest in a series of trail cleanups along the proposed Salmonberry Trail in the region will take place in Buxton Saturday, June 10.
The event, hosted by the nonprofit Salmonberry Trail Foundation, will be held at Public Coast Farm in Buxton—formerly home to the private Apple Valley Airport and Portland TV personality Ramblin' Rod Anders—from 10 a.m. and is expected to finish no later than 2 p.m.
Volunteers will remove invasive species, clear trees and blackberries and pick up trash along a stretch of track that the foundation hopes will soon become the Catalyst Loop connecting the Salmonberry Trail, the Banks-Vernonia State Trail and Stub Stewart State Park.
An RSVP and waiver is required.
Participants were asked to bring tools—rakes, pruning saws, or loppers, power tools such as a string trimmer or hedge trimmer if safely used—but to leave machetes or other swinging type implements at home.
Extra rakes were also requested. Participants were encouraged to bring water, a lunch, and to wear protective clothing.
The event also promised live music, and beverages courtesy of Public Coast Farm's Ryan Snyder.
Public Coast Farm is located at 22330 NW Fisher Rd, Banks, OR 97106.
Salmonberry Trail Foundation to hold fundraiser
The foundation also plans to hold a fundraiser in Hillsboro on June 22. More info on that can be found on the STF website.