Interactive map for Tillamook Co. features hundreds of recreation sites, including in the Tillamook Forest

A new interactive map featuring more than 800 sites in and around Tillamook County released by a consortium of tourism and government agencies in Tillamook County has placed a number of recreation sites in the Tillamook State Forest and beyond into a more useful format for the would-be recreator.
“This recreation map is a ‘live map,’ one we’ll be updating with new features and data,” said Nan Devlin, executive director of Tillamook Coast Visitors Association in a press release. “We will also regularly gather information from our land managers and first responders throughout the county to keep the public informed of events, such as fires, trail changes or closures, King Tides and floods.”
The map is firmly Tillamook County-focused, with a handful of exceptions. You won’t see popular Tillamook State Forest sites like the Gales Creek Campground, which lies entirely in Washington County, on the map.
But you will see a few sites that touch or cross the Tillamook Co. border, including the Four County Point Trail, which starts in Washington County, and, as the name suggests, leads to a point where four counties meet.
The map has 13 categories, with campgrounds, parks and day use areas, trailheads, boat launches, beach and water access, dispersed campsites, equestrian trails, mountain bike trails, hiking trails, community trails, the Oregon Coast Trail, water trails and more all listed.
The map was created by the work of Samantha Goodwin, an intern for NW Youth Corps, who compiled the data, Cardwell Creative of Salem, which took the data and made it into a useable format online, and with backing from Tillamook County Wellness, Mt. Hebo Ranger Station, Tillamook County, and Tillamook Coast Visitors Association.