Game Hog Creek Fire held in place over weekend

As of the afternoon of Sunday, July 18, the 182 acre Game Hog Creek Fire was kept in check and showed low fire activity thanks to the aid of aircraft used Saturday on the fire. Crews were also able to complete line construction into the Elk Creek drainage where the terrain is steepest, halting the spread of the wildfire.
The jump from 135 acres to 182 acres appears to be the result of better mapping, not a significant new spread of fire.
A video showing one of the planes in action on Saturday can be seen here.
According to the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Forest Grove District Forester Mike Cafferata, the lines built to stem fire growth held Saturday night. Sunday’s objectives, he said, were to strengthen the existing lines and begin mopping up.
Two helicopters were available for use by the ODF, stationed in Buxton.
“We will continue to host multiple helicopters and their crews at our Hornshuh Creek Station,” said Banks Fire District in a statement. “We appreciate your hospitality and patience as we, as a community, host these aircraft.”
The district asked that local residents not stop on Highway 26 to photograph the helicopters, but instead to pull into the station parking lot and park in the regular spots in front of the station.
Would-be photographers were asked to stay in front of the station and come no closer than the concrete pads where fire apparatus leave the bays they are housed in.
This story has been updated with new information from the Oregon Department of Forestry.