Fire danger will move to 'High' Thursday morning for much of Tillamook Forest

NW OREGON – Temperatures are expected to soar into the upper 90’s this weekend, according to the Portland branch of the National Weather Service, and the Oregon Department of Forestry will place much of the region on “High” fire danger beginning Thursday, August 13 at 1 a.m.
“This is for all of the NW Forest Protective Association except NW1 weather zone along the coast, which will remain in IFPL 1 and Moderate Fire Danger (blue) for public use restrictions,” said Mike Cafferata, Forest Grove District Forester.
Those who work in resource extraction or logging in lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry will note that in zones NW2 and NW3, the Industrial Fire Precaution Levels (IFPL) will be raised to IFPL 2 beginning the same time.
The ODF said the following must be shut down after 1 p.m. under the IFPL rules:
– Power saws except at loading sites
– Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws
– Cable yarding
– Blasting
– Welding, cutting, or grinding of metal
“For the public, campfires are allowed only in designated campgrounds, vehicles must be equipped with a shovel and either a gallon of water or a fire extinguisher, and power saws may only be used until 1 p.m.,” said Cafferata.
Visit the online state map of fire restrictions and allowed activities at
For those who work in the logging industry or in other forestry-related activities, visit for industrial fire restrictions.
“There is hope for a cool end of August, and some weather forecasters are predicting a cooler and damper than average September,” Cafferata said, citing predictions from the ODF’s weather resources website.