Some campgrounds slated to close for season in Tillamook, Clatsop State Forests A number of local campgrounds owned and maintained by the Oregon Department of Forestry are closing for the season in the coming days, ODF said.
Fire season to end Sunday Fire season in this corner of Oregon will end Sunday, October 1, the Oregon Department of Forestry said.
Highway 6 safety study released ODOT has published a report detailing issues plaguing Highway 6, but cautions that no funding exists to tackle most of the work.
Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency to meet September 27 Those interested in the development of the Salmonberry Trail can follow along online—and in-person in Wheeler with an RSVP—at a Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency (STIA) meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, September 27 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Fire danger reduced to 'moderate' again Fire danger was at moderate until Thursday, when high temperatures brought it back to "high." Tuesday morning, ODF officials brought it back down to moderate.
Fire danger rises to 'High' on east side of Tillamook Forest Fire danger on the east side of the Tillamook State Forest was set to high Thursday morning as temperatures rose.
Tillamook Forest Center to shift to fall hours before closing for season This is the last weekend before the Tillamook Forest Center reduces hours for the fall and then closes in November.
Fire danger to be lowered to 'moderate' Tuesday Fire danger in this corner of the state has lowered enough that the Oregon Department of Forestry plans to reduce the fire danger level for public use restrictions to moderate (blue) Tuesday morning in the Tillamook Forest.
The Tillamook Burn ignited 90 years ago today Ninety years ago to the day, the first fire of what would become known as the Tillamook Burn started near Gales Creek. We've gathered oral histories, written diaries, and newspaper clippings detailing what happened.