'A short update on fire season' in this corner of Oregon
While some large wildfires have taken hold in some parts of the state, the Northwest Oregon Fire Protection Association has been quiet, officials with the Oregon Department of Forestry noted.

While some large wildfires have taken hold in some parts of the state, the Northwest Oregon Fire Protection Association has been quiet, officials with the Oregon Department of Forestry noted.
The Northwest Oregon Fire Protection Association region stretches from northern Yamhill County to Astoria and from near Forest Grove to the Pacific Ocean. That includes the entirety of the Tillamook State Forest.
In an email signed by the three district foresters working in the area (Tillamook, Astoria , and Forest Grove districts), sent to industry and interested parties, it was noted that zones NW 2 and NW 3 remain at IFPL 2, while the coastal-adjacent NW 1 remains at IFPL 1.
For non-industry folks, the fire danger remains set at "moderate."
"It has been very quiet. A few runs on illegal burns, the occasional unattended campfire and so on, but nothing of any size or significance. The hot weather has cured the fuels – the 1000 hour fuels are down to about 15 percent," the email noted.